Рубрика: English

Text translation

Թարգմանեք ա  ֵս պատմությունը:

Թե ինչու են Փորսուղն ու Աղվեսը գետնաորջում ապրում

Պատմում են, թե մի ժամանակ գազաններն ու անասունները անպոչ են եղել: Միայն գազանների արքա առյուծն է պոչ ունեցել:
Անպոչ ապրելը շատ էր դժվար: Ձմռանը դեռ մի կերպ ապրում էին, բայց հենց ամառը գալիս էր ճանճ ու մժեղից փրկություն չկար:Ինչքան էլ օգնություն էին կանչում, միևնույն է օգնող չկար:
Իմացավ այդ մասին գազանների արքան և հրամայեց,որ բոլորը գան ու իրենից պոչ ստանան: Թագավորի սուրհանդակները թռան աշխարհի չորս կողմը՝ գազաններին կանչելու: Փող փչեցին, թմբուկ զարկեցին, բոլորին արթնացրին: Բոլորին ասեցին, բացի արջից: Շատ փնտրեցին, վերջապես նրան գտան որջում քնած:  Հրմշտելով արթնացրեցին և հրամայեցին, որ շտապ գնա ու պոչ ստանա:  բայց արջը չէր շտապում, իրեն համար հանգիստ քայլում էր: Չորս կողմն էր նայում, մեղր էր փնտրում:  Ահա ծառի վրա մի փչակ տեսավ,- Մինչև թագավորին հասնեմ, պետք է ուժ հավաքեմ: Բարձրացավ ծառը, մեջը լիքը մեղր էր: Ուրախությունից մռթմռթալով սկսեց թաթերով մեղր հանել ու ագահ-ագահ ուտել: Կերավ կշտացավ, տեսավ մեղրի մեջ կորել է,- Ես տեսքով ոնց երևամ արքային,: Մտավ գետը, լողացավ ու պառկեց քնեց:
Այդ ընթացքում գաղանները հավաքվում էին արքայի մոտ: Առաջինը վազեց եկավ աղվեսը: Տեսավ տարբեր պոչեր, գլուխ տվեց արքային ու ասաց.
-Պայծառափայլ արքադ իմ, առաջինը ես արձագանքեցի քո հրամանին, թույլ տուր ինձ ընտրել իմ ուզած պոչը:
Է՜, առյուծի համար մեկ էր ինչ պոչ կտաչ աղվեսին:
-Լավ, ընտրիր որն ուզում ես:
Խորամանկ աղվեսը ընտրեց ամենագեղեցիկ ու երկար պոչը:
Աղվեսից հետո եկավ սկյուռը, նա էլ իր համար ընտրեց գեղեցիկ պոչ, հետո կզաքիսը, փորսուղը և մյուս կենդանիները: Վերջինը վազեց եկավ նապաստակը:
-Ուր էիր, միայն մի պստլիկ պոչ է մնացել,-ասաց առյուծը:
-Ինձ դա էլ է հերիք
Բոլորին պոչ բաժանելուց հետո արքան գնաց քնելու:
Արդեն օրը մթնում էր, նոր միայն արջը քնից արթնացավ ու հիշեց, որ արքայի մոտ պետք է շտապեր: Հասավ պալատ, բայց ոչ պոչ էր մնացել, ոչ էլ որևէ գազան:
Չարացած ետ դարձավ դեպի իր անտառը: Մեկ էլճամփին տեսավ փորսուղին նստած իր պոչով հիանալիս:
-Լսիր, փորսուղ, պոչն ինչիդ է պետք, տուր ինձ:
-Ինչ ես ասում արջ ախպեր, ինչպես կարող եմ այս սիրուն պոչը քեզ տալ,-ասաց փորսուղը:
-Խաթրով չտաս, զոռով կվերցնեմ,- ասաց արջը թաթը դրեց փորսուղի վրա:
Չե՜մ տա,- ճչաց նա ու փախավ:
Արջի թաթի տակ մի կտոր փորսուղի պոչից մնաց, պոչը կպցրեց իրեն ու գնաց մնացած մեղրը ուտելու:
Իսկ փորսուղը հանգիստ չուներ, իրեն թվում էր, թե արջը ուր որ էկգա ու իր պոչը կտանի: Ու գետնի մեջ մի մեծ բույն փորեց ու այնտեղ էլ ապրեց: Վերքը լավացավ, բայց տեղը մի բիծ մնաց: Մի օր աղվեսը կողքով անցնում էր, տեսավ փորսուղին ու հարցրեց,
-Ինչ է վերևում նեղվածք է?
-Հա, քույրիկ աղվես, նեղվածք է, թե կեր փնտրելը չլիներ, գիշերն էլ դուրս չէի գա: Ու պատմեց, թե ինչ էր պատահել: Աղվեսը մտածեց, որ իր պոչը ավելի գեղեցիկ է, քան փորսուղինը, ու վախից գնաց տեղ փնտրելու: Վերջը գետնի վրա մի որջ փորեց ու մտավ այնտեղ:
Այդ օրվանից փորսուղն ու աղվեսը սկսեցին ապրել գետնաորջի մեջ:

Why do Badger and Fox live in a cave?

They say that once upon a time animals and cattle were tailless. Only the lion king of beasts had a tail.
Living without a tail was very difficult. In winter they still lived on the road, but as soon as summer came, there was no escape from flies and mosquitoes. No matter how much they called for help, there was no one to help.
The king of beasts found out about this and ordered everyone to come and get the tail from him. The king’s envoys flew to all four corners of the world to summon the animals. They let in the money, beat the drum, and woke everyone up. They told everyone except the bear. After a long search, he was finally found sleeping in a den. They shook him and ordered him to quickly follow his tail. but the bear was in no hurry, he walked calmly. He looked in all directions in search of honey. Then he saw a pufferfish on a tree — Before I reach the king, I need to gather my strength. The tree grew full of honey. Purring with joy, he began scooping out the honey with his paws and eating greedily. He ate his fill, saw that he was lost in honey, — How can I appear to the king? He entered the river, bathed and went to bed.
Meanwhile, the Galans gathered with the king. The fox came running first. He saw different tails, nodded to the king and said.
My bright prince, the first thing I did was respond to your order, let me choose the tail I want.
Well, it’s one thing for a lion to give his tail to a fox.
Well, choose the one you need.
The cunning fox chose the most beautiful and long tail.
After the fox came the squirrel, she also chose a beautiful tail for herself, then the fox, badger and other animals. The rabbit was the last to arrive.
«Where have you been? Only a small tail remains,” said the lion.
Having watched everyone, the king went to bed.
The day was already getting dark, only the bear woke up from sleep and remembered that he had to hurry to the king. He reached the palace, but there was no tail or any animal left there.
He turned angrily back into his forest. One day he saw a badger sitting on his tail.
Listen, badger, why do you need the tail, give it to me.
“What do you say, brother bear, how can I give you this wonderful tail?” — said the badger.
“Don’t deceive me, I’ll take it by force,” said the bear, putting his paw on the badger.
“I won’t,” he shouted and ran away.
A piece of the badger’s tail remained under the bear’s paw, the tail stuck to itself and went to eat the rest of the honey.
But the badger was restless; it seemed to him that the bear would remove his tail wherever he came. And he dug a large nest in the ground and lived there. The wound healed, but a scar remained in place. One day a fox walked by, saw a badger and asked:
What is above the strait?
Yes, little fox sister, this is a problem, if it weren’t for the search for food, I wouldn’t go out at night. And he told what happened. The fox thought that her tail was more beautiful than that of the badger, and out of fear she went to look for a place. Finally he dug a hole in the ground and entered it.
From that day on, the badger and the fox began to live in the hole.

Рубрика: English

The Tramp

A tramp was sleeping on a park bench late at night. A man and a woman were walking past. One of them tapped him on the shoulder and asked.
“Excuse me! What’s the time?”
The tramp was very annoyed at being woken up.
“ I don’t know. I haven’t got a watch, said he angrily. And he went back to sleep.«
Some time later another man was passing. He woke the tramp up and said,
“I am sorry to bother you but I wonder if you could tell me what time is it”
Again the tramp said that he didn’t know. By now he was very fed up, so he got a pen and a piece of paper and wrote I Don’t Know What Time Is on it, and went back to sleep.
Half an hour later, a policeman was passing. He read the sign, woke up the tramp and said,
“It’s 2.30, sir.”

1.Կարմիրով նշված նախադասությունները գրիր ներկա ժամանակով:
He woke the tramp up and said. He wakes up the tramp and speaks.
He was very fed up. He’s very fed up.

2.Կապույտով գրված նախադասությունները՝ անցյալով:
I haven’t got a watch. I didn’t have a watch.
I am sorry to bother you. Sorry to bother you.

3.Կանաչով գրված նախադասությունները՝ ապառնիով:
One of them tapped him on the shoulder and asked.
He went back to sleep.

Answer the questions

  1. What was doing a tramp late at night?
    A tramp was sleeping on a park bench late at night.
  2. Where he was sleeping?
    He was sleeping on a park bench.
  3. Was it day or night?
    Late night.
  4. Who was walking past?
    A man and a woman were walking past. 
  5. Was he pleased by waking up?
    The tramp was very annoyed at being woken up.
  6. Did he have a watch?
    No. He didn’t have a watch.
  7. What did the tramp do?
    He went back to sleep.
  8. What did he write on the paper?
    I don’t know what time it is.
  9. Who wake the tramp up?
    The tramp was awakened by a policeman.
  10. What did the policeman say?
    “It’s 2.30, sir.”

Complete the sentences

  1. A tramp was sleeping on a bench in the park.
  2. One of them tapped him on the shoulder and asked.
  3. The tramp was very annoyed at being woken up.
  4. Some time later another man was passing.
  5. Half an hour later, a policeman was passing.
Рубрика: English

Սովորողի ամփոփիչ հաշվետվություն


Рубрика: English


wishing tree One day, a traveller was passing through a desert. After walking for a few miles, he felt tired, hungry and thirsty. “How I wish I could rest for a while under a tree!” he thought.

Suddenly, he saw a tree in front of him! He was surprised as he was in a desert, and just a few seconds ago there was no trace of even a bush. But, at the same time, he felt glad that he had a place to rest for a while. As the traveller sat under the tree, he thought, “How I wish I had water to drink!”

Just then he found a tumbler full of cold water kept on a stone in front of him. “Ah!” said the surprised traveller, and guzzled the water.

After a few minutes, the traveller thought, “How I wish I had something to eat!” In an instant, a variety of delicious food appeared before him. The traveller ate as much as he could.

All that food made him wish for a bed and he got one too! Stretching himself comfortably off the soft mattress, the traveller thought,” I wish I had someone to massage my feet.”

Instantly, a young woman appeared and started massaging his feet and legs. Tired as he was, the traveller soon fell fast asleep. Actually, he was under the shade of ‘Kalpa Vriksha’, a magical tree. Whoever was under it could have whatever he wished for!

After a long nap when the traveller woke up, he saw the woman still sitting beside his feet. Now the traveller began to think,” I am sure this is a magical part of the desert. Otherwise, how can things appear out of nowhere?” He wondered,” Could there be a demon around too?”

Suddenly, a demon appeared. The traveller was filled with fear! “A… A… Are you going to eat me up?” he asked the demon. “Yes! Get ready!” replied the demon, pouncing on the traveller. The frightened traveller took to his heels and ran away, thinking, “How I wish this demon disappears!”

Suddenly, when he turned around, there was no demon. “What is all this?” thought the traveller, puzzled. “Was this all a dream? I must be careful of what I think!” thought the traveller and went on his way.

  • Դուրս գրել անծանոթ բառերը:
    Անծանոթ բառեր
    passing through֊ անցնել/ով/
    bush -թուփ
    tumbler- շրջվել, նկատել
    guzzle-ագահությամբ ուտել, լակել
    In an instant- մի ակնթարթում
    Stretch -ձգվել
    Otherwise -հակառակ դեպքում, այլապես
    grant- նվեր
  • Գտնել կարմիրով նշված բառերի հոմանիշները՝ beautiful-pretty
    variety — multitude
    delicious — appetizing
    start — begin
    nap — lie down
    woke up — got up
  • Գտնել կապույտով նշված բառերի հականիշները՝ happy-sad
    day — night
    under — over
    in front of — behind
    sat — stood up
    young — old
    soon — long
    began — finished
    appear — disappeared
  • Գրեք պատում հետևյալ վերնագրով՝ <<If I had a magic stick>> <<Եթե կախարդական փայտիկ ունենայի>

If I had a magic stick

If I had a magic wand, the first thing I would do is make a wish that there would never be any more wars in the world. My second wish would be that all children on the planet would always be happy.

Рубрика: English

Presentation My favourite hero

՛՛Ես՛՛ նախագծի շրջանակներում այս անգամ խոսելու ենք մեր սիրած հերոսների, հայտնի մարդկանց մասին‘’My favourite hero’’ or ‘’My hero’’ ‘’A famous person’’

Նախագիծը ամբողջովին այստեղ է: Կարդում եք և պատրաստում presentation ձեր սիրած հռրոսի մասին։ Պատրաստվում քննարկման։

“Ես”նախագիծ կամ All about me

՛՛Ես՛՛ նախագծի շրջանակներում այս անգամ խոսելու ենք մեր սիրած հերոսների, հայտնի մարդկանց մասին‘’My favourite hero’’ or ‘’My hero’’ ‘’A famous person’’

Look at the pictures. Do you know who they are? 

  1. What do you know about these people? Why are they famous?
    These are world famous people. Actors — Angelina Jolie, Johnny Depp and McCauley Culkin, President of America — Donald Trump, singer — Michael Jackson, scientist — Albert Einstein, Armenian poets — Yeghishe Charents and Hovhannes Tumanyan, boxer — Mike Tyson.
    How did they become famous?
    They became famous thanks to their work.
    Do you know important dates and times in their life? . Do you know any unusual facts or events in their life? /If not, find out on the internet/.
    Albert Einstein is a Swiss, German and American theoretical physicist and public figure-humanist, one of the founders of modern theoretical physics. Winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics 1921.
    Michael Gerard Tyson is an American professional boxer who competed in the heavy weight category; one of the most famous and recognizable boxers in history. US National Olympic champion among juniors in the first heavyweight division. Absolute world champion in the heavy weight category among professionals.
    Michael Jackson is an American singer, songwriter, record producer, arranger, dancer, choreographer, actor, screenwriter, philanthropist and entrepreneur. One of the most successful performers in the history of pop music, known as the «King of Pop», winner of 15 Grammy Awards and hundreds of other awards.
    John Christopher Depp II is an American actor, film director, musician, screenwriter and producer.
    Macaulay Carson Culkin is an American film, television and voice actor, musician.
    Donald John Trump is an American statesman and politician, entrepreneur, billionaire and the 45th President of the United States from January 20, 2017 to January 20, 2021 from the Republican Party. Before becoming president, Trump was an entrepreneur, as well as an entertainer and television host.
    Yeghishe Charents is an Armenian poet, prose writer and translator. Classic of Armenian literature. One of the authors of the «Declaration of Three». A great literary figure, an apostle of Armenian reality, living with the aspirations of his people and suffering for their fate.
    Hovhannes Tadevosovich Tumanyan is an Armenian poet and writer, public figure. National poet of Armenia.
    Angelina Jolie is an American film, television and voice actress, film director, screenwriter, producer, model, and UN Goodwill Ambassador. Winner of an Oscar, three Golden Globe awards and two Screen Actors Guild Awards.
  2. Do you have a favourite person?
    Yes, I have a favorite — footballer Kevin De Bruyne.
    What can you tell about him/her?
    Kevin De Bruyne is a Belgian footballer who plays as a midfielder for Manchester City and the Belgium national team. A graduate of the football clubs «Ghent» and «Genk». In 2008 he began his adult career, making his debut with Genk. Subsequently, he played more than 80 matches in this team, winning the 2011 Belgian championship title.
    Show his/her picture, make a presentation

Why do you like him/her?
I love football. And in my opinion, Kevin De Bruyne is one of the best players of the 21st century.
What is he/she? /Is she/he a singer, actor, football player…/
Kevin De Bruyne — football player.
How did he/she become famous?
The most successful season for him was the 2014/2015 season — 10 goals, silver in the German championship and victory in the National Cup. In the final, they managed to defeat Borussia Dortmund with a score of 3:1, and De Bruyne scored one of the goals.
Do you know important dates and times in his/her life?Do you know any unusual facts or events in his/her life?
Kevin was born in 1991 in the Belgian city of Ghent in the Flemish region. He played for the youth teams of Drongen, Ghent and Genk. He signed his first professional contract with the last club on this list in 2008.
De Bruyne made his senior football debut in the national championship in the 2008/2009 season. However, at that time he did not have a place in the team, he mainly played on the field for the youth team, and played only two matches for the main team.
The following season, Kevin settled into the starting role, and in 2010/2011 he won the national championship with Genk. De Bruyne entered the field 35 times and managed to score 5 goals against his opponents. The 2011/12 season became his most productive in Belgium — 8 goals in the national championship. The team won bronze.
When it became obvious that De Bruyne had outgrown the Belgian championship, he signed a contract with Werder Bremen of the Bundesliga in 2012. Kevin immediately became a starting player, playing 33 matches during the season. Often he not only assisted, but also scored himself, scoring 10 times in the Bundesliga. At the end of the championship, Werder finished in 14th place with De Bruyne.
De Bruyne started the next season in the English Premier League as part of London’s Chelsea, but was unable to gain a foothold in the team. He appeared in the team only three times and returned to Germany in the middle of the championship. For the next two seasons, Kevin was a Wolfsburg player.

  1. How can you describe your favourite person, what adjectives will you use to describe him/her, for example Beautiful, strong, fast, clever….
    Kevin De Bruyne is fast, agile, strong, smart, talented.
  1. Find some materials and make a presentation to illustrate your topic and your favourite person.
Рубрика: English

How Fly saved the river

There was once a river so beautiful that all the animals came to drink from it. One day a giant moose came to this river.
“He’s so big!” cried out a beaver named Barney.
“Even bigger than Big Bear,” added Betty, another beaver.
“He sure is thirsty,” noticed Marty, a muskrat/ մշկառնետ/.
“He’s drinking so much that the river is going down!” yelled Mary, another muskrat.
The animals grew worried.
“Our beaver dams will be destroyed,” warned Barney.
“And we’ll have no water to drink,” said Mary.
Big Bear, who had been listening to the whole time said, “Let’s meet tonight and plan how to get rid of this pest.“
“Count me in!” added Fly.
All the animals laughed at Fly. How was such a tiny creature going to help?
As the sky grew dark, Fly joined the others on the riverbank.
“So, what’s the plan?” he asked.
Barney started by saying, “I will gnaw on that moose’s legs until he runs away.“
“But he’ll kick you with his big strong hooves!”, warned Betty.
“Oh,” said Barney. “I didn’t think of that.”
“We need another plan,” both muskrats said at the same time.
“I am the strongest,” said Big Bear. “I’ll fight that moose.”
“But the moose is twice your size!” said Fly.
The beavers and muskrats all said to Fly, “Be quiet. You are the weakest of all.”
The next morning, Bear was worried. Was Fly right? Was the moose truly twice his size?
“Bear hurry!” said the muskrats.
But Big Bear did not move.
“I’m… I’m… scared,” he replied.
“Maybe we should try my plan,” Fly admitted. But all the other animals just laughed at Fly.
So, Fly flew onto the moose’s back. Holding on tightly, he bit the moose as hard as he could.
“Ouch!” cried the moose.
Fly flew up and bit the moose’s ear.
“Stop it!” the moose yelled.
“I’ll never stop,” said Fly, as he flew around and bit the moose on its leg.
The moose was unable to stop Fly, so he turned and ran. The animals never saw him again.
That night, the beavers made fish stew. The muskrats danced a special dance in honour of Fly.
“Hooray for Fly!” they all sang.
“You see,” began Fly, “even the weakest animal can beat the strongest if he uses his brain.”

  • Տեքստի ընդգծված նախադասությունները դարձրու հարցական և ժխտական:
    The moose was unable to stop Fly
    Was the moose able to stop the fly?
    The moose couldn’t stop the fly.

    The animals never saw him again.
    Have any animals ever seen him?
    The animals never saw him again.
  • Դուրս գրիր անլանոթ բառերը։
  • Տեքստից դուրս գրիր ածականները` beautiful
    so beautiful, giant, big, bigger, a tiny, the strongest, the weakest, hurry.
  • Տեքստից դուրս գրիր մակբայերը՝ beautifuly
    tonight, on the riverbank, onto the back, on leg, around, never.
  • Ին՞չ կենդանիներ կան տեքստում, դուրս գրիր, ին՞չ հետաքրքիր փաստեր գիտես կենդանիների մասին, համացանցից դուրս հանիր և պատրաստիր ռադիո նյութ հետևյալ վերնագրերով՝ <<Do you know?>> կամ <<It is intersting to know>>
    moose, beaver, muskrat, bear, fly.
  • Ընտրիր ճիշտ տարբերակը
  1. Why didn’t the other animals think Fly’s plan would work?
    a) Bear was too scared.
    b) Fly was too small.
    c) The moose was too fast.
    d) Fly had a broken wing.
    2) What problem was the moose causing?
    a) He was destroying the animals’ homes.
    b) He was being mean to the animals.
    c) He was drinking too much water.
    d) He was eating all their food.
    3) Which line from the story shows that Fly is determined (strong-minded)?
    a) “I’ll never stop.”
    b) “Hooray for Fly!”
    c) “But the moose is twice your size!”
    d) “So, what’s the plan?”
    4) Fly is the smallest animal in the story. In what way is he the strongest? Explain your answer.
    The power of a fly is in its mind.
    5) What was the moose doing that made the animals call him a pest?
    The moose drank a lot of water.
    6. How Fly Saved the River
    The fly bit the moose very painfully until the moose ran away and never returned.
  • Տեղադրիր a, an, some,  any
    1.Please get ………bread from the baker’s.
  • a)any
  • b) a
  • c) an
  • d) some

    2. We need …..money to buy …..present  for ……mother’s Birthday.
    a) any
    b) a
    c) an
    d) some

    3.Dad, there are …..letters for you.
    a) any
    b) a
    c) an
    d) some

    4. There aren’t …… books on the shelf.
    a) any
    b) a
    c) an
    d) some

    5. It is …….elephant.
    a) any
    b) a
    c) an
    d) some

    6. Thanks a lot. Can I have ……water first?
    a) any
    b) a
    c) an
    d) some

    7. It is …………very interesting story about animals.
    a) any
    b) a
    c) an
    d) some

    • Կարդա հետևյալ տեղեկությունները կենդանիների մասին և ընտրիր, թե յուրաքանչյուր հատվածը որ կենդանու մասին է՝ cat, dog, hamster, lizard, fish, parrot
    1. It is a good friend. Takes it out for walks every day. Feed it meat and give it water to drink.

    It is dog.

    2.  It needs an aquarium to swim. Change the water and clean the quarium regulary. Feed your pet special food once a day.

    It is a fish.

    3. It needs a warm house. It needs rocks and plants to climb on. Feed it insects, spiders, mice or rats and give it water to drink.

    It is a lizard.

    4. It is very friendly and likes to play outside. It sleeps a lot and needs a quiet and warm place to rest. Feed it special biscuits, meat or fish and water to drink.

    It is a cat.

    5. It needs a cage where it can run around and a box to sleep in. Feed your pet seeds, nuts, fruit and vegetables and give water to drink.

    It is a hamster.

    6. It needs a big cage. Don’t forget to clean the cage. Pet your pet fly outside the cage regularly. Feed your pet seeds and give water to drink

    .It is a parrot.

    Լրացրեք some or any վարժ: 1վարժ: 2

    Exercise 1

    Fill in the correct word (some or any).

    1. Sue went to the cinema with some of her friends!
    2. Jane doesn’t have any friends.
    3. Have you got any brothers or sisters?
    4. Here is some food for the cat.
    5. I think you should put any flowers on the table.
    6. Could you check if there are any calls on the answering machine?
    7. I don’t want some presents for my birthday.
    8. Did they have any news for you?
    9. I’m hungry — I’ll have any sandwiches.
    10. There aren’t any apples left.

    Լրացրեք ածական/ adjective/ կամ մակբայ/ adverb/` վարժ: 1, վարժ: 2

    Exercise 1: adverbs and adjectives

    She plays tennis very well.
    The match finished very late.
    Some snakes are dangerous.
    They came in quietly.
    He is an awful person.
    You speak English perfectly.
    A tortoise walks slowly.
    She is a famous singer.
    He looked at me angrily.
    My dad drives carefully.
    Рубрика: English

    At the Restaurant

    Waiter: Good evening, welcome to our restaurant. Here are the menus for tonight. Can I get you started with something to drink?

    Customer: Yes, I’ll have a glass of water with lemon, please.

    Waiter: Certainly. And for the food, have you decided what you’d like to order?

    Customer: I think I’ll have the grilled salmon with salad,  please. And can I also request that the salmon be cooked without any added sugar or sauce?

    Waiter: Not a problem, we can do that for you. And for your guest?

    Customer’s guest: I’ll have the chicken pasta, please.

    Waiter: Great, I’ll put those orders in for you. And would you like to pay separately or together?

    Customer: Together, please.

    Waiter: Noted. I’ll bring the bill over once you’re finished with your meals.

    (After finishing the meal)

    Waiter: Here’s the bill for you. Would you like to pay with cash or card?

    Customer: Card, please.

    Waiter: Here you go. Thank you for dining with us tonight, and have a great evening.

    Customer: Thank you, it was a great meal. We’ll definitely be back.

    Dialogue: Ordering Food in a Restaurant 2

    Waiter: Hello, Can I help you?.
    Kim: Yes, I’d like to have some lunch.
    Waiter: Would you like a starter?
    Kim: Yes, I’d like a bowl of chicken soup, please.
    Waiter: And what would you like for your main course?
    Kim: I’d like a grilled cheese sandwich.
    Waiter: Would you like anything to drink?
    Kim: Yes, I’d like a glass of Coke, please.
    Waiter: Would Pepsi be OK? We don’t have Coke.
    Kim: That would be fine.
    Waiter: (After Kim has her lunch.) Can I bring you anything else?
    Kim: No thank you. Just the bill.
    Waiter: Certainly.
    Kim: I don’t have my glasses. How much is the lunch?
    Waiter: That’s $6.75.
    Kim: Here you are. Thank you very much.
    Waiter: You’re welcome. Have a good day.
    Kim: Thank you. Same to you.

    Vocabulary and expressions 

    1. Would you like to start with a drink?
    2. Would you like to taste the wine?
    3. Can I take your order?
    4. Are you ready to order?
    5. Can I get you a drink?
    6. Can I get a drink for you all?
    7. Would you all like to order a drink now?
    8. What drinks would you like?
    9. Do you have a question about the menu?
    10. Do you want the combo meal?
    11. How would you like your meat cooked?
    12. How would you like your eggs cooked
    13. What would you recommend?
    14. What are the specialities?
    15. What are today’s specials?
    16. Can we have the bill, please?
    17. Can we have the check, please?
    18. What do you have?
    19. Can we have a table for two?
    Рубрика: English

    Where is my ticket?

    An old writer who is very popular in England is traveling by train. When the ticket-inspector comes and asks him for his ticket, the old writer begins to look for it in his pockets, in his bag and suitcase but cannot find it.

    ” I can wait,” the ticket-inspector says, who knows the writer very well. “I can come again at the next station. “but at the next station, it is just the same. The old writer can not find the ticket.

    “That’s all right,” the ticket-inspector says. “That’s all right”.

    “Oh, but I must find my ticket,” says the man. “I want to know where I am going to.”

    Անծանոթ բառեր
    ticket- տոմս
    next station-հաջորդ կանգառ

    Տեղադրեք a, an, the որտեղ անհրաժեշտ է։

    It was a nice place with green trees near the river.  The boys are playing football in the yard. They spoke much about modern literature and art. I have an idea of going for walk as far as station. Shall we go to London by train or by bus.

    Գրիր փոքրիկ պատում օգտագործելով այս բառերը, վերնագրում եք ձեր պատումը:

    boat-նավակ, journey-ճանապարհորդություն, զբոսանք, hiking-արշավել, քայլել, to go in far-հեռու գնալ, to travel-ճանապարհորդել, team-խումբ, to see off-ուղեկցել,  plane-ինքնաթիռ, passenger-ուղևոր, to agree-համաձայնվել, airport-օդանավակայան, trip-ճամփորդություն, to try on-փորձարկել, to fly-թռնել, heavy-ծանր, carriage-վագոն, port-նավահանգիստ,  leave-մեկնել, catch-բռնել, comfortable-հարմարավետ, possible-հնարավոր, seat-նստատեղ, suitcase-ճամպրուկ, ticket-տոմս, station-կայարան, կայան train-գնացք, railway-երկաթուղի

    • Նախադասությունները գրեք անցյալ, ներկա շարունակական, ապառնի ժամանակաձևերով:

    1. They go to the cinema every Sunday.
    They went to the cinema every Sunday.
    They will go to the cinema every Sunday.
    2. She eats ice-cream in summer.
    In the summer she ate ice cream.
    In summer she will eat ice cream.

    3. The boys play football in the yard.
    The boys played football in the yard.
    The boys will play football in the yard.

    4. The children have got five lessons at school.
    The children had five lessons at school.
    The children will have five lessons at school.

    5. Jane usually goes to bed at 10 o’clock.
    Jane usually went to bed at 10 o’clock.
    Jane will usually go to bed at 10 o’clock.

    Ընտանիքի անդամներից որևիցե մեկի կամ ընկերներից մեկի հետ փորձեք դերերով խաղալ:

    Going to a show

    -Hello, Sara let’s go to the movie or to the show
    -Hello, Ok. I like and movies and shows. What do you suggest?
    -I know that there is a drama in the cinema.
    -Oh, no, It must be pretty boring. Let’s go to the theater, there is a wonderful musical. The actress is very attractive.
    -Ok. Let’s go.
    -Hello, can we have two tickets?
    -Yes, of course, here you are.
    -How much I must pay for the tickets?
    -Thank you.
    -Sorry we can’t find our seats, can you show us?
    -Yes, here are your places` 12,13.
    -Thank you.
    -I like this musical. It is so amazing.
    -I agree. Now after having a wonderful time here, why don’t we go to some cozy, quiet place?
    -I would like to.
    -Ok, let’s go.

    Рубрика: English


    00fea6fa977ea49152b88439412763ba--alfred-the-great-england-queen Hundreds of years ago England was ruled by a great English king, called Alfred the Great. He became king in 871 and died in 899. He was known as a just and fair ruler. That is why he has earned the title the Great. Many interesting stories and legends are told about him. One of them tells how he learnt to read. Alfred’s mother, Queen Osburga, was a good and wise woman and a very kind mother to her little children. She was also very educated and clever and fond of reading, which was rather uncommon in those days when very few people could read or cared about it. They thought that learning was for churchmen and that it was more useful to know how to use a sword than a pen. One day Alfred and his brothers saw her reading a book. It was a book of old English songs. The book was written on parchment and the pictures were all painted by hand. It was a pretty book. As Osburga turned the pages Alfred saw the pretty pictures, so he left his play, and came to lean against his mother’s
    knee, to look at them. All the other boys came to see the pretty book too. When
    Osburga saw how they all liked the book, she was very much pleased. She
    looked at their happy eager faces.
    “Do you truly like this book?” asked Osburga.
    “Oh yes, Mother, we do,” they all answered at once.
    “Then, boys,” she said, “I will give it to the one who first learns to read it.”
    His brothers went away and thought no more of the book, but Alfred was
    so eager to have the book that he worked hard all day long and patiently studied
    to learn to read. The strange old writing was not easy to master. So one morning
    he came to his mother and proudly claimed his prize. Osburga kissed him and
    gave him the prize, as she had promised.
    All his life afterwards Alfred was fond of books, and even when he became
    king, he still found time not only to read but also to write them. He started
    schools and encouraged people to study in them because he understood that
    knowledge is more valuable than force.

    Անծանոթ բառեր

    fair ruler-արդար տիրակալ
    uncommon -անսովոր
    cared about it-
    master-վարպետանալ, տիրապետել
    claimed the prize- պահանջել մրցանակը
    encouraged -խրախուսել
    valuable -արժեքավոր
    force- ուժ

    Answer the questions

    1. Why are many stories and legends told about Alfred the Great?
      He was known as a just and fair ruler.
      2. Why didn’t the Queen give the book to her sons?
      They couldn’t read.
      3. Why was Alfred able to claim his prize?
      He is the only one who learned to read.
      4. Why did Alfred encourage people to study in schools?
      Alfred the Great believed that knowledge is more valuable than power.
      5. Why did people call their King, Alfred the Great?
      Alfred earned the title of Great One because he was an honest and just ruler.

    Match the words with their meanings.

    1. able to learn quickly a. patient
    2. not the same b. different
    3. always calm, showing self-control c. clever
    4. something that is important or costs a lot d. valuable
    5. having a practical purpose, helpful e. useful
    6. acquire complete knowledge or skill f. to master
    7. to govern, to guide g. to rule
    8. a popular story, perhaps untrue h. legend
    9. worry i. care
    10. just j. fair

    Match the  English and Armenian meanings.

    1. claim      c. պահանջել                      
    2. encourage      h. քաջալերեր        
    3. force    e. ուժ                       
    4. master      g. տիրապետել                    
    5. patiently  i. համպերատարությամբ   
    6. proudly  b. հպարտորեն                   
    7. rule      j. կառավարել                      
    8. lean      a. եռանդուն                      
    9. sword      d. թուր                    
    10. valuable  f. արժեքավոր                 
    11. educated    k. կրթված            

    Рубрика: English

    Once upon a time there lived a bunny…

    A long time ago, in distant America, a Kangaroo, a bunny, a bear and a lion met. Lion says: — I am the strongest, bravest and bravest, therefore I am the King of all animals. Kangaroo says: — I am big, strong and I am depicted on the coat of arms of Australia. Then the bear said: — I am strong, agile, fast and I am a symbol of the Olympic Games. The bunny was upset, because he had nothing to say, because he was small and weak — everyone offended him. Then the lion told him: “You don’t have to be big, strong and brave to be loved.”
    Then the bunny thought and began to hide Easter eggs for the children. So the bunny became a symbol of Easter.